*Please note that sauna sessions only take place during The Studio Greenwich hours

Why Infrared Saunas?

Infrared sauna use (infrared heating in general) has proven to have a big impact on health.
Regular sauna therapy has a major impact on our circulatory and respiratory systems, our immune functions, and helps stabilize the autonomic nervous system, which controls breathing, circulation, and digestion. It also helps to reduce blood pressure, inflammation, and arterial stiffness (an early sign of heart disease).  Infrared therapy has been proven to greatly assist in the detoxification of the body, killing many resistant types of bacteria and pathogens from our bodies, and even stimulating the production of collagen which helps reduce wrinkles and improves overall skin tone.

Infrared is invisible. The evidence is in how your body responds to it. Infrared rays are felt on our skin as warmth, are absorbed by our bodies to help them detoxify, relax, improve our circulation, recover faster, sleep better, age well and helps us feel good. The proof of this activity in our body is evidenced in the increase in core body temperature that happens during a 30- minute infrared sauna session. Sunlighten’s saunas are clinically proven to raise core body temperature 3 degrees, which unleashes the most benefits to our health.

Sauna Pricing

  • Full Session (60 min) - $65

  • Quick Session (30 min) - $40

  • Monthly Unlimited - $129

New Clients:

  • 30 min intro offer - $35

  • 30 min intro 3pack - $99

A second person can be added to any session for $15.

All sales are final and expire one year from the date of purchase.
